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Old 07-10-2006, 08:49 AM   #431
Feanor of the Peredhil
La Belle Dame sans Merci
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Feanor of the Peredhil is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Feanor of the Peredhil is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Feanor of the Peredhil is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.
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"Please, Trystan, eat. Call it a courtesy gift, if you wish." Saeryn heard the young man's story seriously and pondered it.

"I would gladly give you work in payment for room an board, but at this moment, I am not sure what work we have for you. It has been a rather busy few weeks, culminating in a court day yesterday that the household is still recovering from, so to speak. I'll need to speak with Eodwine--"

Saeryn felt a touch on her elbow and turned to see Degas; he had come in without her noticing. She was not sure how to act around him; she withheld a glare and met his eyes, but it was with an uncertain indifference, hiding her thoughts.

"Excuse me for a moment, Trystan. Degas, what may I do for you?"

He was startled by her formality and half expected to hear her mouth the word Lord before his name as she would to a stranger or one that she did not know well. He was relieved that she didn't, however the tone of her voice was less than happy to see him, though it was by no means impolite. How could he fix this? She treated him, her twin, as politely distant as she did this stranger. Moreso, he thought grimly. She joked and flirted with the young man; did Eodwine kno-- No, wrong thought. Why was Saeryn flirting with a rapscallion such as him? Was it womanly revenge for Eodwine's-- No, surely she was not that petty. What in the world was Saeryn doing? And why was there no chaperone over this interchange?

He spoke quietly, uncertain exactly to whom he was speaking; it was certainly his sister, but he could barely recognize her beneath her exterior.

"Linduial is leaving. She wishes to see you, though hasn't said as much. Also, I met the woman, Modtryth, on my way inside; she seeks you as well."

"I will go to them momentarily. Has Nain found you? He sought you earlier."

"No." responded Degas, on his arrogant nobility, with a sudden coldness directed toward the Dwarf that had so recently slighted him and his sister. "Perhaps he sought half-heartedly."

"Degas, do not be unkind."

"Very well, lady." She looked up, surprised to hear Degas call her 'lady' rather than Saeryn, Saeri, or Saer. She met his equally hazel eyes for a moment, looking into them searchingly before closing herself back off into disinterest.

Degas excused himself and Saeryn offered her hand to Trystan; he extended his arm and she placed her hand on it and they walked as she spoke.

"I am sorry to cut our visit short, but I must turn you over to Lord Eodwine. I cannot make a deal with you as of the moment, but he can, and other duties call me."
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