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Old 12-13-2010, 10:42 AM   #1
Shade of Carn Dûm
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 435
Alfirin has been trapped in the Barrow!
Leaf Radagast's ultimate fate

This is more a thread for speculation that textual citation but may prove interesting.

What in your opinion ultimately happened to Radagast in the post LOTR ages. One one hand he technically failed in the mission assigned to him in the Undying lands, failed as much as Saruman did. However he seems to have been treadted far more kindly and tenderly than Saruman was (since he shows no desire to dominate it, just to more or less become a part of it), there seems to be no textual evidence that Gandalf ever did anything forceful to him, as say, casting him out of the order as well (If he has the authority to do this to Saruman he almost certainly had the authority to do so to Radagas, who if you count thing fully hierarchical he very likey outranked even before his death and ressurection) or forcing him to return to the Undying Lands to face his fate there (since the forth age is in many ways an age of Men, there might be issues with any Maia still being around in it (Bombadil doesn't really count in this case, its pretty obvios he has his own set of rules). Basically Gandalf seems content to simply leave Radagast to his own devices, basically free to do as he wishes in ME in the post Ganadalf era. While Tolkein never says so, I amost like to think that this is interntional on Gandalf's part, that before setting sail for the west (during the "hidden period between Gandalf leaving the fellowship at Bree and showing up again at the Grey Havens) in addition to talking to Bombadil, he sougt Radagas out one last time for a final conversation with him as well. Maybe as the new "head" of the order and Eru's special envoy, he was allowed to offer Radagast absoution for his failure and and opportunity to returnt to the west as well, one Radagast declined. Maybe he actually gave Radagast a new mission, to sort of stand as the last watcher of ME, not to influence events as Gandalf and Saruman has done, but just to keep an eye on things. If Tolkein really had told the truth and ME was our own world long, long ago, I sort of Image that, in one sense or another, Radagast may still be out there.
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