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Old 01-07-2004, 01:07 PM   #3
Posts: n/a

i wouldnt call myself new as i used 2b a fanatical member a couple of years ago... from around 2001... but i had a lot of exams on so didnt come online much and my account canceled. altho my poems are still on the fanfiction bit! but yeh, i've rejoined!

i initally got into the books after seeing the first movie- i ran home and burried my head in the books reading for 4 conscutive days before ending. im currently half way through the Silmarillion tho ive re-read LOTR and the Hobbit many times. im also very into music, especially the Rolling Stones but also Dire Straits, Jacko, Queen, Led Zep, Elton JOhn, the Darkness and others.

well theres a bit about me... thank you for your time!
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