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Old 04-18-2007, 01:29 PM   #9
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Elentari - your character bio has been posted to the character list for the inn on page 1. ~*~ Pio


NAME: Lynaata

AGE: 17

RACE: Human

GENDER: Female

WEAPONS: A small dagger she picked up in Bree. The hilt has an intricate design, but all the jewels have been removed by thieves, the dagger discarded as it is of no value.

APPEARANCE: Lyn is tall and slim, perhaps too slim. When she arrived in Stock her hair was unkempt and in need of a thorough wash. Her eyes are dark brown, as is her long hair. She wears a simple green dress, the colour of which has faded with age. On her feet she wears an old, tatty pair of leather boots, quite obviously designed for a man with much larger feet than her own.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Lyn is a very shy and timid person, due to her upbringing (see history). She believes she has no strengths, although during her life in Bree she developed quick reflexes to avoid beatings. Lyn believes nothing she does is good enough, although she does her best to please. Although she cannot write, she is good with words from listening to wealthy men talking in the inn where she used to work.

HISTORY: Lyn never knew her blood parents. The couple who adopted her believed they could not have children of their own, so when a babe, Lyn, was left at the gates of Bree they volunteered to care for the child as their own. However, when Lyn was five years old, her "mother", Tara, fell pregnant. When Tara and Peter's son, Ian, meaning "gift from god", Lyn's life changed dramatically. Her parents no longer cared for her, no longer did they shower her with gifts, for they were not poor, though nor were they rich. Tara decided that once Lyn was eleven she should work to earn her keep.

Lyn found a job as a maid at a little known inn a small distance from Bree. The work at the inn was hard for an eleven year old, but the kind hearted Innkeeper took pity on her. For five years Lyn enjoyed her work as a maid spent more time at the Inn than her home. But good things never last, as Lyn learned long ago, and so it was that the old Innkeeper passed away. His son, who took over the business, was a brutal man, and had never liked Lyn. He claimed Lyn used her looks to win his father's favour. He took it upon himself to beat her for every little mistake, even if there were none he would invent one. Her father, Peter, cared little of this, as he had always beaten her himself when he was drunk or in a fowl mood.

On Lyn's seventeenth birthday, Peter made an offer to the Innkeeper, Ronald. If Ronald took Lyn for his wife, Peter would pay him dearly, saying it would cost him less to bribe a man to wed her than it would for him to keep her in his house. Ronald, a greedy man, accepted. The beatings increased in number and force. Often Lyn would be left senseless in an unused room of the Inn, then to be punished again when Ronald accused her of sleeping on the job. Eventually Lyn decided enough was enough.

Her journey was not an easy one. She had never travelled before, had no sense of how to fend for herself, nor did she know the way. It was by chance that she stumbled upon Stock, mere days before the food she had stolen from Ronald would have run out. Her journey had taken much longer than it would for a healthy woman her age, but her Peter and Ronald had left her crippled. She found it hard to walk at any speed, at her left leg had been fractured more than once, leaving her bone prone to more injuries if she was not careful.


Woah, ok, way longer than I have ever managed to write a character description before. I love this character already ^_^
There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.

Last edited by piosenniel; 04-19-2007 at 01:29 PM.
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