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Old 02-12-2007, 02:18 AM   #1
Crystal Cobweb
Posts: n/a

NAME: Jadelen

AGE: 45


GENDER: Female

WEAPONS: A beautiful bow and quiver of arrows given to Jadelen by her grandmother. It is very special to Jadelen, even though she never has used as she never has had reason to.

APPEARANCE: Jadelen is slim and tall, but slightly short for her kind, this fault in her appearance really does bother Jadelen. This height insecurity causes her to be standoffish at times. She has beautiful, piercing, grey eyes and particularly long golden hair which she always wears down, even though it gets in her way most of the time. Her favourite colour is purple, especially deep purple. She mainly wears long flowing dresses. Jadelen always has in her possession her favourite deep purple cloak with her initials threaded at the bottom of her cloak in golden thread.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Jadelen tries to come across as really graceful and feminine, as her mother puts great emphasis on being well mannered and graceful. Although she is the complete opposite, especially when alone or with her close friend Enpauriel, better known as Cir, who isn’t the best influence on her. She is very clumsy and graceful, even though she tries not to be. She loves to get up to lots of mischief and loves adventures. Curiosity always gets the better of her and this often gets her in many sticky situations. Being an only child Jadelen is somewhat spoilt and bossy. She is set in her ways and is unwilling to change her point of views. She can be insecure at times and this makes her come across as rather standoffish and cold even though she really is a caring and kind elf.

HISTORY: Born to Gavithion and Helanore. Jadelen is an only child and grew up in Rivendell. Her closest friend Cir left to Mithlond to visit her aunt Mithalwen. Jadelen, who became extremely bored with the absence of her friend decided to, without her mothers consent, catch up with Cir and her twin brother. She recently received a letter from Cir indicating her whereabouts, The Golden Perch Inn. Thus Jadelen went on a little journey to find her friend, hoping to find her still staying in the Inn.


Hope it is alright... I have made sure with Kath that Jadelen being a close friend of Cir is alright. If there are any problems just notify me.

~ Crystal Cobweb


~*~ Pio

Last edited by piosenniel; 02-12-2007 at 02:57 AM.