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Old 05-31-2006, 12:04 PM   #34
Illusionary Holbytla
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Join Date: Dec 2003
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Firefoot has been trapped in the Barrow!
Scyld chuckled. “Very good, sir. I shall.” With that he took his leave. As he continued down the hallway, however, he mentally reprimanded himself. He did not like the measuring sort look Sorn had given him with the last remark. He should not have said anything. He would have to remember to keep his own amusement out of the picture of keeping his own skin whole throughout this kidnapping, especially while he was figuring to be playing both sides. You play a dangerous game, and you had best play it with care…

But the exchange had not been entirely detrimental – the knowledge of Linduial’s things could prove useful indeed. If they proved valuable enough to her – and the knife had certainly appeared fine – the news of her things given at the right time just might tip the balance in his favor.

Speaking of knives… he checked to make sure the one hidden under his right sleeve was loose in its sheath. Although Linduial had made no escape attempt the previous night when he brought her dinner, he did not like opening her cell door, and would not be caught unprepared should she try to make an escape. After talking with her, he would not put it past her, as foolish a move as it might be.

He reluctantly descended once more into the cellar. He saw that Linduial was now awake and looking alert.

“I have a message with breakfast for you,” said Scyld conversationally, the words accompanied by his wonted smirk. “How did Sorn put it, now? Something like if your wrist hurts so badly, he will come down himself and set the bone. And I would not count on Sorn’s skills as a healer.” As he talked, he took her glass and added some wine to it. He then set it and the breakfast tray down before standing to unlock Linduial’s cell, and he wondered briefly why Sorn had not thought to make some sort of slat meant for the exchanging of meals. It would certainly be easier that way. He heard the lock click as the door opened. “Breakfast is served,” he said mockingly.
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