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Old 02-26-2003, 08:19 PM   #11
Animated Skeleton
Join Date: Jan 2003
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Posts: 33
Isilmëiel has just left Hobbiton.

In Tom Shippey's book, he offers a very interesting thought. It states in the appendix that all the names were "translated," and that the names of hobbit males usually ended with -a, while the females ended with -o or were the name of a plant or jewel. Therefore, Frodo's name would really be Froda (wise one in Old English), which corresponds with two stories.
Froda was the father of Ingeld, a warrior. Froda was on the other hand, a pacifist, just as Frodo was at the end of RotK.
The Norse equivalent of Froda would be written in a way I can't type on this keyboard, but is pronounced Frolith. Frolith had complete peace under his leadership, due to a magic mill that ground out peace and prosperity. He refused to let the giantesses who worked it have any rest, so they ground out an army who killed Frolith and took his gold. The mill is now supposed to be in the ocean, grinding the salt into the sea.
So there you go. I have no idea if this is relevant at all, and I probably paraphrased everything poorly, but I tried. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous. ~Graffito
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