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Old 04-10-2006, 11:13 PM   #31
Twisted Taleswapper
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: somewhere between sanity and insanity
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Valier is a guest of Tom Bombadil.
The Troll and the Hare

Erkenbrand: "Well my lord this is the plan I have devised. You M'Lady take this cage outside and place it in front of the Troll."

Eowyn: *Blanches*

Erkenbrand: "Don't worry you will be safe....I think...I mean yeah..Then you place the cage in front of him and run like Mordor."

Eowyn: *hands on hips* "I still don't see how this cute little bunny is supposed to get us by that very large Troll."

Erkenbrand: "That is no ordinary Bunny I tell you! It is the foulest, cruelest and bad temperedest rodent you will ever lay eyes on! It has huge sharp... It can leap about....Oh you must just take my word Miss Eowyn, this rabbit will make short work of that there Troll!

After a bit more convincing from Erenbrand and a good many pouts from Eowyn, she agreed to the plan as long as someone promised to brush her hair for her(at least a hundred strokes) later when she was ready for bed.
The door of Medul-Zoom creaked open, and Eowyn stepped out into the sun with the caged rabbit in tow. She walks fearlessly forward and placed the cage down in front of the Troll.

Eowyn: "I heed you one warning and one warning only! Step aside and let us pass for free!"

Troll: "Gimme money!" The Troll replied as he held out his hand.

Eowyn: "I heeded you fair warning! *Whips the towel off the cage*

Troll: "Wadda ya got there you mouthy little twirp?"

Eowyn: "A beast so fierce you will soil yourself!"

Troll: *With a gargled roar he lets out a laugh*

The Troll looks at the "Beast" in the cage and buckles over in a howling laugh.

Troll: "Aaaawwww what a cute little bunny wabbit,I will hug him,and squeeze him,and call him......

Eowyn: *Whips cage door open and backs up*

The seemingly harmless Bunny came suddenly flying out of it's confined like an arrow, before the Troll could finish with his statement. The rabbit visiously shears the Trolls leg off below the knee.

Troll: *Looks down* "Ha! meerly a flesh wound! Now give me my money!"

Eowyn: *Stares at Troll in amazement* "Meerly a flesh wound? It took your leg right off!"

Troll: "No it didn't."

Eowyn: "What? Your bleeding profusely and your stump of a leg is lying on the ground!"

Troll: " Like I said, meerly a flesh....."

Before the Troll again could finish his statement, the rabbit rebounded off a nearby tree and impaled itself into the Troll's chest.
With a shocked expression the Troll teeters and falls to the ground, stone dead with a mighty earth shaking thwomp.

Eorlingas: *Cheer* "Horray!"

The chest of the Troll begins to move as the blood soaked rabbit begins to emerge from within.

Eowyn: *Looks back at the Eorlingas* "With the Troll dead we may continue on our quest...errm...race..thing..." *Turns back to the Troll*

The rabbit now sat crimson in colour, nose twitching in the air, staring at them with an intenful glare.

Eowyn: *screams* "Run away!

Eorlingas: *echoing Eowyn's command frightfully* "Run away! Run away!"

They all run for the safety of the great Medul-Zoom. They rush inside and slam the door.

Eowyn: *out of breath* "Well dear uncle, I have done it when no other Man could! And I dare say I have the answer to that age old riddle....Yes when a Troll falls in the does make a sound, even if no one is around to hear it!"

With a flip of her golden locks she was off to change into something more fashionable at the moment....Varda knows you can only wear one dress for so long...

we shall continue on to the Southwest

Last edited by Valier; 04-11-2006 at 09:51 AM.
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