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Old 04-09-2006, 02:51 PM   #6
Shadow of the Past
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Minas Mor-go
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Alcarillo has just left Hobbiton.
The Witch-king of Angmar

Frodo Baggins had eluded him at every turn . . .

Saruman and Gothmog had usurped his place in Sauron's heart . . .

Eowyn had stabbed him straight through the head, in front of everybody at Pelennor . . .

Those measly Gondorians had defeated his armies battle after battle . . .

And now the Witch-king of Angmar wanted vengeance!

And his time had come! A great race would prove that he, the Witch-king, was superior to all of those fools! When he had caught wind that all of his former rivals were entering the Great Mount Doom Challenge, he could not resist entering his own city into the contest. He attached wheels to Minas Morgul, installed airbags in every wall, and voila! Minas Mor-go was born! He and his sidekick, the fourth Nazgul, had driven their vehicle north to Erebor, where the great race was to begin.

And now, as the dark green curtain was pulled aside, the Witch-king finally felt that he was certain to beat those idiots! The dark green curtain parted, and Minas Mor-go, the city of the Ringwraiths, long ago called Minas Ithil, was revealed! Every sharp and pointy tower and rampart was lit by the eerie green glow of the city. The Witch-king stood at the gate, and as the crowd applauded madly, he raised his hands towards the sky and laughed a deep, frightening, maniacal laugh:

"Mwahahahahahahaha! Mwaha! Ha! Ha! Mwahahahaha! I shall win this race, and all of those pathetic mortal fools will be crushed beneath the wheels of Minas Mor-go! Mwahahahahahaha!"

Ringwraith #4, standing beside the Witch-king, tugged on his sleeve. "What is it? Can't you see that I'm busy?"

Ringwraith #4 backed away a good couple of feet, trying not to anger the Witch-king. "Yes, sir, but the other drivers are going to make their speeches right now." The Witch-king, disappointed to be interrupted, crossed his arms and pouted.

The first driver to make his speech was Denethor, the driver of Minas Taxi. He came up to the podium, and lit himself on fire. "Typical," said the Witch-king to Ringwraith #4. "He's always showing off to the crowds like that. Fool." But the Witch-king could not help but be amused by Denethor's third-degree burns.

Then it was King Theoden's turn. "Ha! Remember how I killed that mortal fool?" said the Witch-king, "He was, and still is, a weak old man." And after Theoden's speech was done, the Witch-king said "That cheap old coot. He took that speech straight from Pelennor, I swear it!"

Soon it was the Witch-king's turn to make a speech. He whistled once, and his great flying steed swooped down from where he was perched on a black, spiky tower. It landed on the gates and howled for the crowds, who went wild with applause.

"Wait a minute, Witch-King! We have a problem with Minas Mor-go!" said Ringwraith #4, receiving a message from an orc slave, "I think the Orc-powered engine is revolting! Give me a minute to knock 'em back in line. If they don't cooperate we can always just resort to using them as fuel for our furnace. Either way, we'll be up and running a double time."

"Just threaten to throw them under the wheels if they don't cooperate," snarled the Witch-king. Stupid orcs. They can never just do as you tell them.

As Ringwraith #4 hurried to the dungeons and basements where over a thousand orcs turned Minas Mor-go's axles day and night, the Witch-king mounted his steed, and glided to the podium with an inhuman shriek. He leapt off of his steed, and unsheathed his Morgul blade with a brilliant shhhinnng! He searched the crowd for the wraiths and wights, waving deep green banners, and waved his sword around his head and gave one last shriek. His fell beast bellowed, too, raising its head toward the sky, which seemed to darken though there was not a cloud anywhere near the sun. The crowd applauded and the green banners waved more madly than before. The Witch-king, satisfied, leapt back upon his steed and swooped back up to the gate of Minas Mor-go.

"Ha! They loved me! But now I should go see if Ringwraith #4 has gotten those stupid orcs to work right."

Note: All speech between Ringwraiths is in the screechy, shrieky language of Minas Mor-go, but has been translated into Westron for the ease of the reader.

Last edited by Alcarillo; 04-09-2006 at 09:17 PM.
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