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Old 12-09-2005, 04:36 PM   #12
Feanor of the Peredhil
La Belle Dame sans Merci
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Feanor of the Peredhil is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Feanor of the Peredhil is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Feanor of the Peredhil is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.
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Alli was terribly cold. Her work clothes were not very warm as she was usually standing next to shadowy creatures of flame and perceived [but not really existant since they're just misunderstood] malice. Her cloak had been in the car that exploded and most of the kamura crew had gone off walking a while ago to find a sketchy repair shop to see if there was anything that could be done about the precariously dangling transmission. Alli tried to get warm by sitting by the tire fire but the acrid smell of burning rubber turned her stomach. The dratted fog that had all but blinded her meant that she ran the risk of being run over. Well... at least in this case, this stupid reality television crew also stands the risk of being hit. They had begun to ask her questions. She had begun to give smart alecky answers.

"Miss Umfuil, how does it feel to have been Assigned to Mordor?"

"Like a walk in the park, dear man. There is nothing more appealing to me than being stranded on the edge of a dirty road in clinging fog while trying to stay warm by the loving caresses of heat coming from the tire fire which is all that is left of the small car that I was travelling in that so recently exploded."

"Is it true what they've been saying about you and Valde?"

"That I'm pregnant with Valde Who Be Short? Of course." The man's jaw dropped. "You wouldn't know it though, looking at my fantastically lean and fit figure. We've got an appointment with the Jerry Springer Show soon though... I'm supposed to be telling Valde live on the air that not only is the child not his, but it's also a figment of my imagination. Sigmund Freud will appear shortly thereafter to deal with my neuroses. A bit later he'll be guest conducting the band on Saturday Night Live, but they may disinvite him due to his fraudulent criticisms that the flutists have pianist envy." The man picked his jaw up from the dirty ground and reattached it, complaining all the while about faulty manufacturing.

"There have been rumours that you have feelings for Lord Mardil II. Is there any basis to this gossip?"

Alli blanched for a moment. "Of course there's no truth to it."

Now she left the fire and began to wander down the road. She was done with this interview. The questions had ceased to be a source of entertainment. If she was going to get to Mount Doom Casino and Resort, she certainly couldn't do it moping on the side of a road or waiting for help to arrive. Shivering against the damp cold, Alli walked away from the group. A lone kamuraman followed her. She duly ignored him in favor of wallowing in self pity.
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