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Old 02-25-2005, 12:44 AM   #40
Haunted Halfling
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Lyta_Underhill has just left Hobbiton.
Secret Fireworks, or the Palantir Rolls Too Far...

Good evening, all! I have very much been enjoying the discussion of this chapter, one of my favorites! As an interlude, may I offer these tidbits:
My Favorite Pippin and the Palantir Artwork
A whole page of artwork from Book 3, Chapter 11--The Palantir

On a point made above:
davem: I didn't say the Silmarilli were evil. I said they were 'addictive' - or worse:they inspired desire in all who saw or heard of them, & their possessors (in most cases) were filled with obsessive thoughts of them to the extent that they were often lead to commit evil. So, even though they were not made with the intention of inspiring domination & evil action they often caused it...
I must say that this seems to be the backwards way around view to me. The Silmarilli were superior works of art, but the cause of all the trouble is Morgoth and the particular characteristics of Fëanor, as amplified through the tendencies and channelling of the energies of the Noldor as a group. The power is in the desire of the thing, not native in the thing itself. Beren thought it a trifle next to his Tinuviel, did he not?

Another question on the addictive nature of objects--would Faramir have used the Palantir if he were in the position that Denethor was in? I think rather it is Denethor's nature that inclined him to use the Seeing Stone, and his worldliness and lore was deep, thus he was prey to all sorts of snares set by Sauron. He was strong but unbalanced. Pippin, on the other hand, being an innocent, could not be tempted by these things and did not fall into the traps of Sauron, instead unconsciously and inadvertently tricking him into thinking as evil will, of "expedience," and thus Sauron is hoist upon his own petard and misreads the situation. You've got to love Pippin!

“…she laid herself to rest upon Cerin Amroth; and there is her green grave, until the world is changed, and all the days of her life are utterly forgotten by men that come after, and elanor and niphredil bloom no more east of the Sea.”

Last edited by Lyta_Underhill; 02-25-2005 at 12:45 AM. Reason: got my prepositions wrong!
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