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Old 02-26-2004, 10:45 PM   #272
Cryptic Aura
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Join Date: May 2002
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Bęthberry is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.Bęthberry is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.Bęthberry is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.Bęthberry is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.
Boots Secrets ravelled and unravelled

Mid morning found the Healer tired but pleased. She had accomplished her preliminary distractions in appearing so openly in The White City.

With Wyrd at her side, or, more properly, hovering near her or sitting on her arm, she had visited her usual round of merchants and traders. She had made every effort to be seen as she went about her business of contracting for comestibles for the Inn, spices for the kitchen, rare currents and other dried fruits, and the precious beans of coffee which made The Horse favoured over other inns of Edoras. It was important for people to remember her in the market, to recall that the Innkeeper from Rohan was making one of her regular visits to The White City for supplies for her inn.

That Wyrd had sent birds and fowl fluttering madly in their cages was all the better, she thought, for establishing her presence as a natural function of her regular duties. With Wyrd, too, people took less care to muffle their conversations from her, believing she was involved in supervising him. She overheard much that had not been meant for her ears and so discovered easily what tales went whispering around the city in these strange days.

Then, satisfied with her purchases and discoveries, she wrote a note advising her most trusted broker what goods to prepare for the convey north on the Great West Road. Entrusting it to the small cylinder on Wyrd's leg, she sent him off, hoping that sight of him would inspire people to believe she was hear him. Then, she silently retreated from the market, dodging this way and that through the narrow alleys. She had her main purpose still to satisfy before she could return to the Star.

* * *

Luck was with her as she found the Herb Master tending his garden, so entranced with the leaves on some of his plants that he saw not her entrance.

She peered over his shoulder at the blackened leaves, and recognized the typical sign of poisoning by walnut trees.

"You need to move your plants to the other side of the garden," she commented quietly but amiably.

Startled, he looked up, with a frown. Bethberry was a healer like himself, and he knew her well, but he liked not her knowing the problems of his garden.

"It is a dry season, and the plants suffer. I merely need to water them more," he replied nonchalantly, with the air of one accustomed to having his wisdom accepted.

"True, true," she acknowledged while deciding she could use the situation to her advantage. "Yet, perhaps if you move some, but not all, you can test my idea." From his scowl, she knew he would not want to mention her presence here, yet would be greatly tempted to try her suggestion.

He changed the subject, drawing her away from his dying plants but inadvertently disclosing the rather higher incidence of poisonings and beatings that he had to contend with. As he described the symptoms and characteristics, she realized she had been lucky to save the Innkeeper.

"You'd best prepare yourself for this." The Herb Master's voice drew her back from her thoughts and she found him volunteering to augment her supply of herbs and tinctures, salves and oils.

'Good," she thought to herself. 'He will not realize I had come to him for these very potions and supplies. Let not word spread that the Healer had depleted her supply in ministering to one who should be dead. Perhaps it will be best if he be thought dead." Yet to the Herb Master, she expressed her gratitude and debt that she would now be prepared should any problems appear on her road back to Rohan.

She withdrew, believing her appearance in the House of Healing would not be remarked upon, but was suddenly called to.

"Why Mistress Bethberry, if I had known you were to be here, I would have planned a lunch. Or at least called our dear friends together. Why, it has been a half year since we saw you last. And you wrote not of your coming."

The Healer's heart sank. With Ioreth knowing of her visit here, soon likely most of Gondor would know she had sought the Houses of Healing. Still, it could not be helped and possibly there would be something she could learn of recent events in the city. She smiled.

"Ioreth, I had little time. A stable fire left me without horse and passing travelers offered the only chance for my journey here to replenish supplies. You would noy believe how some had come to question my coffee--hose very beans you told me so much about. But let me not talk of myself. Come, tell me what other grand items you know of that I could use."

As the two walked towards the bench where shone the mid morning sun, and Ioreth nattered on good naturedly, Bethberry knew it would be some time ere she could return to the Star. Yet return she would. It would take more than the Innkeeper?s ingratitude to turn her thoughts away from the dangers he and the Princess faced. She had not kept watch over him these terrible days and learned nothing from his fevered disclosures.
I’ll sing his roots off. I’ll sing a wind up and blow leaf and branch away.

Last edited by Bęthberry; 02-26-2004 at 10:51 PM.
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