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Old 03-21-2003, 01:10 AM   #7
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Pickin' flowers with Bill the Cat.....
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piosenniel is a guest of Tom Bombadil.

"Oh, dear! Cami, I forgot to tell you." The words brought some small comfort as Cami tried to imagine what was going on. ‘Well, if Maura knew about this, it can’t be burglars or ruffians!’

Cami and Maura rushed to the window of their snug hole and looked out into the darkness. A large group of figures was moving toward them. Torches and lanterns were held high in the hands of some, and many were banging on pots and pans with metal spoons. Sheep bells were clanging. Horns were blaring, as several old campaigners from the Great War had been enlisted by Bird to add their noise to the general clamor. A number of the patrons at the Inn who were fond of Mistress Piosenniel’s friend had also joined the shivaree, bringing several bottles of wine and mead to be shared by all once they reached their target.

It was Lindo and his group on one flank and Gamba with his brothers on the other who led the way, grins wreathing their faces. They brought the group to stand round the Bywater Pool residence and increased the noisy tumult.

Bird had scrounged about and found the makings of two fine fireworks. ‘Nothing as good as Ancalimon’s,’ she had muttered to herself as she put them together. ‘But they’ll have to do.’

Cries of ‘Bring out the bride!’ and ‘Show us the newly hitched couple’ rang out, and several of the merry makers pounded on the door with the chant. The group stepped back as the door slowly opened, and out walked Maura leading Cami by the hand. A great cry of celebration rose up amidst the clatter of pots and pans and the blaring of horns, and Bird shot up her fireworks in a great blaze of reds and blues and yellows and greens.

Bird raised her hands in a prearranged signal, and the contingents from Tol Fuin and Greenwood brought out a great, sturdy blanket onto which the couple was tumbled by others of the crowd and tossed up into the air several times, to the great cheers of those watching. They were set gently down, and Bird stepped forward, quieting the crowd with her hands.

‘Pio wanted to be here, but couldn’t. So she’s sent me to sing this song to you.’ Bird cleared her throat, letting her lovely voice rise up:

Over the mountains
And over the waves,
Under the fountains
And under the graves,
Under floods that are deepest,
Which Ulmo obey
Over rocks which are steepest,
Love will find out the way.

Where there is no place
For the glow-worm to lie,
Where there is no space
For receipt of a fly,
Where the gnat dares not venture,
Lest herself fast she lay,
But if Love comes, he’ll enter,
And will find out the way.

O! you may esteem him
A child for his might,
Or you may then deem him
A coward in flight.
But if she, whom Love honors,
Be concealed from the day
Set a thousand guards on her,
Love will find out the way.

Some think to lose him
And keep him confined
Some do suppose him,
Poor thing, to be blind;
But if e'er so close ye wall him,
Do the best that you may,
Blind Love, so ye call him,
Will find out his way.

You may train the eagle
To stoop to your fist.
You may try to inveigle
The Phoenix of the east.
The lioness, you may move her
To give o'er her prey;
But you'll ne'er stop a lover;
He will find out his way.

Once done, she grinned at the calf-eyed couple, and prodded Maura with her hand. ‘Have the Missus bring out cups and mugs. We’ve brought the drink to share. And all this singing and hootin’ and hollerin’ has parched old Birdie’s throat!’

They cry went up for drinks and soon the cups and mugs were passed round and the couple toasted. Someone started up an old song as Maura and Cami were encircled and congratulated by one and all.

Ho ro my nut-brown maiden,
Hee ree my nut-brown maiden,
Ho ro ro maiden,
For she's the maid for me

Her eye so mildly beaming,
Her look so frank and free,
In waking or in dreaming,
Is evermore with me. . .

Cami and Maura, eyes gleaming and fixed on their well wishers, did not see the small group of young ones who slipped in the door to the hole. They hid the couple’s few belongings, switched sugar and salt in their containers, tied knots in clothes, and put some tiny stick babies between the sheets of the bed. Bird was with them to make sure they did their quota of mischief to the new couple.

She was just peeking into a basket with a blanket in it, when she saw the blanket move, and a great caterwauling sound came forth from the depths. Bird picked the wiggling Hobbit child up and held it at arms length. Out the door of the hole she walked, carrying the screeching little one. Her eyes were glinting merrily and a grin split her face as she held the red-faced child out to Cami.

‘A kid, already?!’ she laughed gleefully . . .

[ March 21, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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