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Old 08-08-2003, 05:51 AM   #51
Susan Delgado
The Perished Flame
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: behind my eyes
Posts: 1,096
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The Eye

Tarannon stood at his window, looking out at the garden, watching the birds. Such peaceful creatures, birds; they had no care or concerns, nothing to keep them awake at night pondering. He sighed heavily. This business with Eanil coming back after so long....Beruthiel may put on a good show of complacency, but he shuddered to consider what she really thought. She had always wanted a child, and Earnil's years in the palace when he was a young boy had been particularly hard on her. Tarannon knew that she had sighed in relief when Tarciryan's ship had sailed away with the five-year-old heir apparent aboard. And now he was returning, and Beruthiel would have to watch Earnil grow up and become king in place of the child she would never have. He felt sorry for her sometimes...she had been beautiful once, but the years of disappointment had etched her face with lines and put silver in her hair, though she was not really very old. He avoided thinking about the cats as much as he could. He didn't believe she was truly mad, but he also didn't like the cats inhabiting her apartment. They were good for killing rats, yes, but he did not understand why she surrounded herself with them. He sighed again and turned back to his writing table. He had taken a small break, but the duties of a King never truly stopped. At least the problem of Eranil still had a few more days before it had to be dealt with.

As he returned to his chair and sat, a knock sounded on the door. It was Gaeradan, and he looked flustered.

"What is it, Gaeradan?" He asked

Gaeradan bowed perfunctorily. When he straightened, he said, "Sir, I have recieved word from one of the city guards: Tarciryan, his wife and his son are here, and there has been an accident. No, no, it was not serious, no one was hurt! A cart lost control and nearly hit the boy, but one of the guards managed to get to him in time. They are on their way to the palace now."

Tarannon sat back down."Thank you, Gaeradan. When Tarciryan arrives, I would like to see him."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Gaeradan bowed and slipped out the door.

Tarciryan, here, now? Two days early? Why would he do such a thing? Just to surprise and cofound his older brother? But he had never been known do do things like this in the past. Why would he do it now? Tarannon grumbled and shuffled the papers on his table as he considered what to do next and what Beruthiel's reaction might be. She had become so unpredictable in the last few years, he never knew what she might do in any given situation. He turned around and stared out the window again. He would just have to see what happened when it happened. In the meantime-he glanced up from his papers at the knock on the door. That was fast.

"Come in," He called.

Gaeradan entered, Tarciryan close on his heels. Tarannon motioned for his brother to sit, and gestured Gaeradan out of the room with a nod of thanks.

After formal greetings, they stared at each other for a time. Tarannon broke the silence. "Well, here you are, and I am glad to see you. But do you mind if I ask why you're here early? Beruthiel is not going to like this."

Tarciryan grinned. "Just for a surprise, Brother. And Earnil was so excited about it and wanted to see the countryside. So we left early."

Tarannon nodded. Tarciryan always had doted on the boy. "Well, I am glad to see you Tarciryan. It has been far too long. Tell me what's been going on...I have so few people to speak to as equals."

They chatted for a while, reminiscing about old times when Earnil was at the palace the last time, and even older times, even back to their own childhoods and forward again, into the future, to when Earnil would be king and they would both be ashes in their tombs. After a while they fell silent and contemplated all they'd said.

"Well, Tarciryan," Tarannon said after a while, "There will be a family dinner this evening. Just the five of us and our aides."

Tarciryan looked a bit surprised at the inclusion of the aides, but nodded and promised to come. He rose and left, leaving Tarannon alone. He hadn't realised how much he had missed his brother. Soon after Tarciryan left, he had sent out a mesenger to tell Beruthiel about the dinner and request her presence here in his office. As he waited for her to arrive, he thought about his brother and Earnil. He loved the boy as only a king could love his heir, but sometimes he did wish Beruthiel had been able to provide a son for him. Well, no use for it now. He, and she, would have to deal with what had happened just as it was. How fortunate that Tarciryan had a son, however. At least the line would not die with himself; the blood would continue.

Presently there was a knock on the door to interrupt his thoughts and Beruthiel entered, looking unhappy. When she saw the carefully composed pleasant look on Tarannon's face, she paused and glanced around warily. She could see that something was up but coulsn't tell what it was. Tarannon gestured her to sit, which she did gingerly, as if she felt the chair was about to collapse under her.

"Beruthiel," he began. He had decided the easiest way would be jujst to do it. She knew they were coming anyway. "Tarciryan, Miriel, and Earnil have arrived. They are here, now, in the palace."

She sighed and looked at her hands clenched on her lap. She was taking it more calmly than Tarannon had expected. She looked up at him, her eyes sad. "And, the dinner tonight? They will be there?"

"Yes, the five of us, Gaeradan, and Morwen."

She nodded. "Thank you. I shall go now and prepare," and rose from her chair. She made it out the door before he could call her back. Not that he knew particulalrly what else he would say to her, but her departure had seemed very abrupt. He shrugged; it was time he began getting ready as well. Before leaving his office for his private chambers, he composed messages to Gaeradan and Morwen informing them of the dinner, and sent them out with his page. He didn't wait for their replies, if there were any, but went immediately back to his apartment.

[ August 08, 2003: Message edited by: Susan Delgado ]
"Man as a whole, Man pitted against the universe, have we seen him at all 'til we see that he is like a hero in a fairy tale?"
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