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Old 09-01-2003, 08:30 AM   #19
Lyra Greenleaf
The Diaphanous Dryad
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: R toL: 531, past the wild path
Posts: 1,152
Lyra Greenleaf has just left Hobbiton.

Hey, I thought I'd post this here because I'm not too sure of the order of events at the moment. Also, could everyone (especially Earwen, I hope it fits with what you thought!) check that it's OK. As I've been away I'm still trying to get back into the storyline.


Caeran was shocked by the sound of a voice behind him.

"Dogs know when they've eaten something bad, but Huan is too weak to vomit it out right now. He needs help. Could you get him some grass to chew?"

Caeran listened gratefully as Pelladal explained how to help Huan. He didn't know how or why the other man had entered the room, but he was certainly grateful. He tried to stand, but with the weight of the hound leaning on him and Earnil hanging onto his sleeve it was impossible. He looked helplessly up at Pelladal.

"I'll go" the man said. "Keep him awake, even moving if you can. It will all help."

Caeran watched him turn and leave the room again, then gulped. He was on his own now.

"Earnil..." he began, then trailed off. He sounded shaken and worried, which was not a good idea. He had to comfort the lad.

"Earnil" he began again, forcing himself to not let his voice shake "you heard Pelladal. We can save Huan, he'll be fine, but only if we try really hard."

Earnil nodded, blinking fast. Caeran knew that he would hate himself for crying, especially now he had responsibility both in the kingdom and for his dog.

Huan was breathing shallowly and fast, but there was little sign of life apart from this. Caeran scratched him under the chin and was rewarded by a whine. Huan opened his eyes for a moment and gazed upwards in a way which seemed beseeching to Caeran. Slowly he rolled Huan off his knees, stretching his legs out as he stood. Then he began to pick the dog up.

"Help to support him at the back" he said to Earnil, and then between the two of them they began to lead the dog around the room. He made stiff, uncomfortable movements and kept trying to lie back down, but Caeran knew he couldn't let him. He kept talking slowly to Earnil and Huan in what he hoped was a comforting voice.

Please don't take too long Pelladal!, he thought with the small part of his brain that was still thinking rationally.
“Sylphs of the forest,” I whispered. “Spirits of oak, beech and ash. Dryads of Rowan and hazel, hear us. You who have guided and guarded our every footstep, you who have sheltered our growth, we honour you."
the Forbidden Link
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