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Old 10-20-2003, 07:31 PM   #183
Horse-Maiden of the Shire
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Chillaxin' with Glorfindel-441 miles on the RtR
Posts: 1,197
Horse-Maiden of the Shire has just left Hobbiton.

Anwir headed out to the stable, nodding to a man as he passed by. As he stepped into the stable, he was greeted by the pungent smell of horse and the sweet scent of hay. Mihtig looked up from munching his fodder and nickered softly.

"Hello there, fellow. How are you doing?" murmured Anwir, rubbing the stallion's velvety nose. Mihtig searched Anwir's hand, looking for treats, but he found nothing. Anwir chuckled and said "Sorry, boy; nothing for you at the moment."

He left Mihtig and went to grab a broom to sweep the aisle. Beginning at the far end, Anwir was soon hard at work. When he was halfway there, he stopped to wipe the sweat from his brow and leaned on his broom. Suddenly his nose detected a sharp smell, something he recognized but couldn't quite put his finger on. He heard a horse neigh shrilly and saw a light flare up at the other end of the stable. As he realized what it was, he ran towards it, screaming "Fire! Fire! Help, someone! Fire in the stable! Fire!"

Anwir ran out of the stable and into the Horse, still yelling. The people enjoying late breakfasts and drinks looked at him like he was a lunatic. Aleia had been sitting at a table enjoying a mug of ale, and she jumped, twisting to look at who had burst into the room. When she recognized Anwir, she lunged towards him and gave him a smart slap.

"Snap out of it, boy! What are you screaming about?" she cried, shaking his shoulders.

Anwir wrenched from her grasp and ran towards the door, crying "The stable! It's on fire! Help me! You must help! The horses!"

Suddenly his face went stark white and he croaked, "The horses." He whirled on his heel and sprinted out of the inn and back towards the stable with Aleia and a host of others in hot pursuit.

"Stop, Anwir! Stay out of there!" screamed Aleia, as Anwir disappeared into the now-ablaze stable. The shrill cries of the trapped horses that were still inside pierced the hearts of the onlookers and they started moving into action. Anwir reappeared leading a chestnut horse with rolling eyes. Someone ran forward to grab it and Anwir ran back into the stable accompanied by a handful of brave souls. Water was now being thrown onto the hungry fire, and suddenly a torrent of horses streamed from the stable doorway. They neighed shrilly and galloped away, terrified. A few of their owners cried out and began moving back towards them, but Aleia shouted "Leave them be! They'll not be lost."

Some of the boys that had run in after Anwir appeared from the stable with sooty faces and terrified eyes. Anwir reappeared for the last time from the groaning stable shortly afterwards, this time leading Mihtig and leaning on one of the lad's arms who went in with him. Anwir coughed and collapsed onto the boy who had been helping him. Mihtig cantered off, glad to be free of the fiery building. Anwir was swept up into Aleia's arms, while the rest of the crowd worked to quench the flames.

[ October 21, 2003: Message edited by: Horse-Maiden of the Shire ]
"There's a big...machine in the sky...some kind of electric snake...coming straight at us."
"Shoot it," said my attorney.
"Not yet...I want to study its habits."
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