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Old 07-02-2003, 08:52 AM   #64
Pile O'Bones
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Down South
Posts: 23
Nonesuch has just left Hobbiton.

Úmarth averted his eyes upon hearing Laevin's request. Instead, he spoke to Bêthberry. "Thank you, my lady for your kind gift," he said. "I would like to repay your generosity somehow." At that moment, Mia set a plate of stew before him. With a brief nod to the server, he dug into the bowl voraciously and did not look up again for several minutes.

When his assault on the bowl slowed, Laevin cleared his throat. "I am pleased that you are enjoying the fare here, and indeed it appears that you had some need," the blacksmith said with a smile. "But come now. One cannot give a name such as Úmarth and not expect to be called upon to tell his tale."

Bêthberry nodded her agreement. "Your secrets are your own if you so choose," she said. "But to claim the name of Ill-Fate is not to keep your fortune a secret."

Úmarth nodded. "I am in your debt," he answered. "So, as a matter of courtesy alone I am bound."

He sighed and raised his head. "I was a Captain of the Eotheod in Eastfold. One day in the course of my duties I came to Meduseld. While there, Grima, the King's counselor, bade me to deliver a message to Saruman the White in Isengard. I took ten men with me and made for the Gap of Rohan. However, I never reached Isengard. My men and I were set upon by a large band of Orcs and all were slain, even the horses, except myself and I was sorely injured." He indicated his shrivelled arm.

"I walked as far as I could, back towards Meduseld and was found by other Riders and taken back to the Golden Hall where I was cared for. But in a matter of days, I was summoned before the King and Grima was there. He accused me of negligence and with scornful words placed the blame of the loss of my men upon me. When I answered that we were taken unawares and that the Orcs appeared to come from the Gap of Rohan, from the direction of Isengard, rather than the east side of the mountains, Grima grew angry. He cried that Saruman has ever been our ally and has kept the Gap of Rohan safe and closed to our enemies. He argued that if our Riders were not capable of protecting our borders to the east then we should withdraw somewhat. The King agreed both to withdrawing our men and that I was responsible for the loss of my comrades. I was stripped of rank and unhorsed and was shamed to the point where I did not wish to return to my family and have since wandered our land musing upon my ill-fate. Thus my name."

He said no more but his anger and shame was apparent...
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