Thread: Swan Wood - RPG
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Old 04-18-2003, 08:45 PM   #8
Tears of Simbelmynë
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: The Beast's Castle
Posts: 705
maikafanawen has just left Hobbiton.
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Annanoldowen sat on the ground by the fire, crafting a makeshift frog for her sword. She braided dark, strong pieces of leather together and pulled hard twice, testing its strength. Satisfied, she replaced the fraying frog with her new one. The elf smiled, and her sword hissed free of its scabbard. She stared for a minute at her sword. Its curved blade was authentically elven. Calligraphic elvish encrypted on the side read ‘Annanoldowen, daughter of Imladris.’ Annanoldowen ran her fingers over the fine lettering and rubbed down a piece of dirt with her thumb. There was no special history behind her sword. The lettering and fancy scabbard were simply an indulgence. She needed a weapon for protection, and she had had the master forger make her one that fitted her role as a Lady of Rivendell. Pleased with her new frog, she slipped her sword home and laid it beside her.

The company was gathered around the fire, most speaking with the three new additions. Annanoldowen hadn’t said much to anyone since she came. She had mostly kept to herself, taking in the surroundings. The elf had been looked upon to take up the role of nobility at Rivendell, and friendly conversations were not her hobby. However, as she watched some of her companions, she realized that they didn’t know her as she had always been, and she could take on a new personality, and maybe even befriend some of them. Thinking it over, she decided to toss the thought aside and got up from her seat. She stretched, and adjusted her riding clothes.

The shield-maiden called Jesslyn caught her eye. She had just fallen in a stream do the mishap of a riding experience. The horse had reared and bucked, tossing the child from her seat. She stood, her front very dirty, and her pants very wet. Smiling, Annanoldowen waited as Jesslyn changed into cleaner clothes. When she emerged, Annanoldwen greeted her with a low bow.

Suilad Jesslyn. My name is Annanoldowen, Lady of Rivendell.” The wise-elf let a broad smile paint itself on her elegant usually stern-expressioned face. The charm one smile could do demonstrated itself upon the elf’s façade. She looked much younger, and more pleasant. “I understand that you are brothers with Sir Cartil,” she nodded in the direction of her brother. “and that we are all to be companions in the riddance of the enemy of Swan Wood. Perhaps we could get to know each other better?” She leaned up against a tree and watched the girl with a perspective eye. Jesslyn raised an eyebrow at the elf’s suggestion. She nodded slowly.

“You can call me Jess by the way. Everyone else does,” she tucked a loose strand of even dark hair behind her ear, and relaxed her stance. Annanoldowen smiled and nodded.

“Oh, alright.” A question was prying on her mind, and though it seemed very forward, she decided to give it a shot. “Excuse me if this seems like an awkward question, but I am curious, and I have never met such a young shield-maiden before.” And was a good fighter she thought silently. “Can you wield a sword well?” Jesslyn’s expression narrowed and she shifted slightly. What’s that supposed to mean? she thought.

Annanoldwen held up a hand to pause their conversation and retrieved her sword from its scabbard with a light ring, and she gestured for Jess to do the same. In one dramatic movement, Jesslyn also pulled out her sword, holding before her in a sure and still form. The elf silently approved.

“Show me, Miss Stone, how well trained are you?” she drawled jovially. Jesslyn seemed caught off guard by the sudden change in personality, but shook it away. Welcoming the challenge, and new diversion, Jesslyn ‘accepted’ Annanoldowen’s proposal. The two practiced their swordplay for a bit, Annanoldowen mostly testing out Jesslyn’s skills, which were surprisingly good. And much to the elf’s appeasement, Jesslyn’s face betrayed her befuddlement at the seemingly frail elf’s skill with a sword. Smiling, Annanoldwen lowered and sheathed her sword.

“Very well done Miss Stone, but,” she added extending a hand in the way of men, “I guess you already knew that.” She winked and the two shook hands. “Now, won’t you have a seat, I feel like talking.”
"They call this war a cloud over the land. But they made the weather and then they stand in the rain and say, 'Sh*t, it's raining!'" -- Ruby, Cold Mountain
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