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Old 06-01-2003, 05:01 AM   #76
Lyra Greenleaf
The Diaphanous Dryad
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: R toL: 531, past the wild path
Posts: 1,152
Lyra Greenleaf has just left Hobbiton.

Lim stood silently, thoughts that were little more than dreams passing slowly through his head. Faded memories and ideas, vague hopes and feelings. There was little difference between them now, and little reaction to them.

Faintly, as if from far away, a sound passed through the gently swirling thoughts to the little consciousness left in him.

All who love the Ents draw near,
For something wonderous you may hear,
Entwives soon will rule the wood,
If the Huorn do what they should.
So listen closely to this song,
That we may right an ancient wrong.

The song got stronger and stronger as it continued. One image crystallised from all the rest and remained steady to Lim. Movement. Slowly, hesitantly he began to move in the direction of the song, then got faster. Within a few minutes he had arrived to a gathering of trees. Not trees, the thought burst into his head with unusual clearness, Huorns.

Between the Huorns Dark men. One had been playing the song, he had something Lim recognised as a music maker. They were approaching a huge birch tree. With his new observativeness Lim could sense the age and power of this...Huorn. He moved closer.
“Sylphs of the forest,” I whispered. “Spirits of oak, beech and ash. Dryads of Rowan and hazel, hear us. You who have guided and guarded our every footstep, you who have sheltered our growth, we honour you."
the Forbidden Link
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