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Old 09-27-2003, 11:14 AM   #29
Hilde Bracegirdle
Relic of Wandering Days
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: You'll See Perpetual Change.
Posts: 1,480
Hilde Bracegirdle has just left Hobbiton.


Gilly was ravenous. Encouraging her friend, they both began to eat the foodstuffs that Kaldir had the foresight to provide. Grateful for anything to calm her raucous stomach, it was only the second meal for the hobbit in as many days and accordingly she was feeling quite weak. Though a hot supper would have done much to soothe her nerves after riding half the day on a beastly horse with a beastly man - who had recently threatened to disembowel her - poised directly behind her back. All day she had been thinking of Benia’s knife resting in his belt, wondering one minute whether she could reach around and grab it and the other whether it would mean her death. The hobbit had been painfully aware that the man - so close she could feel his breath on her neck - could end her life on a whim, and her children would go motherless. So she had been good, though the tears kept rising to her eyes at the thought of her family.

“Do you suppose Benia, that he might have meant the third portion for us?’ Gilly now questioned. “No never mind, it wouldn’t do to have the man angry with us now would it? But I could use a bit of real food, and you could too, by the look of you. I don’t suppose now, that I could induce that horse there to bite through these ropes?”

“What do you have in mind Gilly? I don’t think it would be wise to strike out again though we do have the horses now,” Benia added glancing at the long faces just beyond the circle of firelight. “And if we were to do so, we would do well to wait until the ranger’s guard is relaxed and my ankle well mended.”

“Don’t worry Miss Benia. I heard the man. I aim for us both to stay alive, if that is what you’re worried of.” Then speaking in lower tones, “If I were to find a way out of these ropes, do you think you could help me back on with them, later maybe?”

“I don’t know, I am lacking somewhat in hand movement,” she answered holding up the iron shackles that encircled her wrists, “but I surely would try my best. What have you in mind?” she asked again.

“A little nourishment that is all. He can’t be dragging around a half starved hobbit now can he, nor her half starved friend neither!”

This surprised Benia, for she felt the food had been more than ample and was contented with it. “Don’t risk it friend. Kaldir is likely close by and I don’t relish the thought of seeing my good friend killed before my very eyes!”

Becoming quite serious, Gilly looked Benia in the eyes. “Don’t worry Miss Benia. As I told you, I do aim to keep us alive, that includes me too, you know!” With that Gilly hopped to her feet and awkwardly went repositioning herself near the fire. Drawing out a stick she carefully began to burn through the ropes about her wrists. “Is there any water to be found around this place?” She questioned Benia who watched her as she worked.

“There is a small brook quite close, on the other side of the fire.” Benia said gesturing north. “It is fed by a nearby spring and the water there is good.”

Gilly eyed the brambles. “Very well.” She commented under her breath, breaking the last strand of charred rope. “That is the first order of business then.”

Peering into the vessel that Kaldir had removed from the fire, she fished out the long leaves from it, laying them carefully out on a rock in the fire circle. Then emptying it of the remains of the infusion, Gilly went off in search of fresh water. When she returned, she had found the stream and her apron’s pocket was bulging with all manner of vegetation that she had picked by the moonlight.

Stirring up the fire, she placed a few thick sticks on it before placing the water in it’s midst. Once more Gilly raided the saddlebag, giving wide berth to the grey stallion, and pulled out some salt cured meat from the ranger’s stores, and from Benia’s bag a potato and ladle. The hobbit tore the thin strips of meat into bits before putting them in the pot, but having no knife (and Benia’s sword was gone too) she put the potato in whole. Then settling by the fire she examined the contents of her pocket to see them in better light. There were ramps and all sorts of herbs she had learned to eat during the war, quite a fine haul considering the campsite appeared well used. If only she had more salt and her knife. Tearing them up as best she could she cooked them down into a fine hot meal. Only the potato was left half cooked as Gilly scooped some of the rest into a cup for Benia and took it over to her.

“Here you go Miss. It takes more than cheese and cram to keep a person going! Just sorry there’s not more salt to it. But it should help and will heal your leg faster then that there fancy water, I should think.”

Benia took the stew with thanks, and smiling at her friend’s homely ways, watched as Gilly tottled back to take up the ladle and help herself. The hobbit didn’t eat much and left the whole potato to finish cooking in the pot.

After they had both eaten their warm peppery tasting supper, Gilly took the cup and ladle down to the stream and having washed, returned them to their proper place. The vessel containing the rest of the stew and now cooked potato she placed in a cooler part of the fire, throwing on more wood.

With the charred remains of the rope in hand, she went over and sat on the blanket tying her ankles close, but not so tightly this time. “That is better!” she sighed. “Now I feel as though I have eaten…I hope our host enjoys it as well as I have. And if he thinks we are trying to poison him, perhaps he will induce us to have a second helping. Either way is alright, so don’t fret about it, but let’s see if we can get me done up again!” This was a task easier said than accomplished, and in the end the rope was sliding off the hobbit’s wrists if she did not clutch the ends with her thumbs. “Oh bother!” Was all she had said before sliding off to sleep, and Benia sat alone, alert in the moonlight with the softly snoring hobbit beside her.

[ October 06, 2003: Message edited by: Hilde Bracegirdle ]

Last edited by Hilde Bracegirdle; 03-22-2004 at 05:55 AM.
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