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Old 09-12-2003, 11:15 AM   #2
Emperor of the South Pole
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Snowdog is a guest of Tom Bombadil.

Hanasían - The early morning before dawn:

Amandur had shown up in the room a bit later after I did, and I was drawn out of the semi-dream, semi-wakened swim through thoughts and considerations. His words about all that went on in the Blues, and the seeming boldness of Skaikrish there was a sign that Naiore stood behind it. Yes, it was a hard choice to take parties too small to deal with the evil at hand out into the wild, and surely Halwain did not expect to find such evil that time. I started to think of my own father Halasían, and the fact his wherabouts or resting place reamins to this day unknown, for he disappeared without a trace after me, my sister, and my mother were safely to Rivendell, a place he would not enter. I looked about as I stirred an ember into a small flame in the small hearth, and I looked up at Amandur and said,

'Yes, Naiore is nearer than any of us originally thought. I talked with someone in Bree, not always reliable but usually when its important it holds true, that he saw one fitting that of Naiore's description cross the river west of Tharbad. My gut feeling is sehe is here now.'

"You had thoughts speaking in your eyes, Hanasían."

Amandur said after looking back out the window. I looked at my satchel and said,

'I am not sure what orders are out to you or the others, but I know what was told me when I was in Minas Tirith. King Éomer and Lord Faramir of Ithilien has convinced King Elessar that the capture of Naiore should be by any means necessary, and that the usual protocols does not apply in this case.'

Anamdur looked out the window and nodded, for we all had for the most part knew this already, and some in their search for her were employing methods that would be considered unsound. But the pain that Naiore had spread through Rohan and Ithilien were so that even the Lords seemed to agree. I bent down and slid out an oilskin wrap, with King Elessar's, King Éomer's, and Lord Faramir's seals inscribed. Inside was a scroll stating such that I had spoken, and Amandur read it and handed it back.

' It is strange...' I said as I stowed the scroll again. 'strange that some of the methods which Naiore is guilty of is that which could now be used in her capture. But surely the honor of men will prevail.'

Amandur maybe wasn't sure what I was saying, but it didn't matter. From what I had learned of my father from those that knew and served with him, it was this very same greying of the boundries that had gotten him into troubles. But I knew I had to be ever more focused.

"We will have to decide how we will track and find her."

Amandur said as he went to relax, again bringing me back from thoughts that haunted my mind. I moved my bundles and lay upon the floor, deciding to get some comfort before the dawn as we spoke of what our moves should be. I suggested I take Maethor and we sweep the north side of the road toward the north and east, checking for sign toward the Midgewater or the thick Chetwood east of Bree, returning to the end by the evening.

'If she gets into the marshland or the wooded lands, it will be most difficult finding, let alone following her. I doubt she would return south, for I know my cousin Frea and some riders from Rohan watch dilegently to Tharbad, and our bretheren Dúnedain Silgeleb and sons watch the windy southroad at Andrath. She avoided that way coming up here, besides, my gut says she will go to Bree or eastward.'

Amandur put his hand to his chin as he thought, and I to stretched out for a bit.

"More will be revealed as the light of day comes, and that is ere a couple hours away." Amandur said, "We will have words with the others in the morn."

I silently agreed, and closed my eyes as my head rested on my satchel and I lay upon my blanket. The floor was hard, but it was at least smooth and without rocks, so I did fall into broken dreams for a short time.

Morning and daylight:

The light of the blue sky grew in its intensity out the window, and I stood, leaning against the window sill watching the silver if the ground fog, having rested little. Amandur stirred and was up quickly as well. He wanted to tack his horse, and before he opened the door, I said,

'We wont have to do much tracking, for she has come to us. Here at this Inn this day, there is Vanwe, daughter of Naiore, and also nearby is Kaldir, whom Naiore had run of in the days of Mordor.'

Yes, its there before me now, and so it was this day.

'Be careful my friend.'

I warned as he left. The silence in the room held me, and the chill of the night before was there in me though I knew she was nere now. My cares for Miss Nightshade would have to wait, but I had a gut feeling that Kaldir knew where she was. I stood and gathered my bundle, and headed out.

I met Maethor at the top of the stairs, and he excitedly spoke of a missing horse from the stables. We were down the stairs quickly and Amandur was nowhere in sight. He would be investigating it already, and we headed out into the mornings chill and first rays.

'Maethor, it might be we will take a day to search well the lands going east and north of this Inn, but we should see what all took place last night. I believe she is close.. very close... so be ever alert my friend.'

Amandur had isolated the tracks in the fog-moistened dirt that was well churned. I mentioned that an Elven woman, Vanwe worked there, so I wanted to be sure of these treads. I saw another reletively fresh set of tracks going out and to the road and turning east on it.

'Three horses, one with burden went this way. But it loks legitimate.'

I spoke of them, thinking it held a clue to other things in my mind, but as the sun warmed and the fogg ran ti hide in the last shadowy places before fading in the already growing heat of the day, I looked at the trees as I whistled out the birdcall Blackveil so loved. She came within a minute, and she was looking well in her friskiness.

'Be calm girl, there is much bustle about today.'

I secured my satchel and blanket to her, and patted her to go across the road for a bit. I needed to return to the Inn to grab something to eat.

Stepping in the door, I saw the place alight with talk of the stolen horse, and I looked about for Vanwe as I made my way to the bar. I took one of the last apples and took a bite, waving off any hot food for the search is beginning. It was then I saw Vanwe turn out of tehe stairwell, and she seemed down. I stepped in front of her, and pointed down the lower hall and she turned and stepped back some.

I stood before her, gazing a hard stare in the eyes of the daughter of Naiore, and for a moment nothing was said. But quickly I held up my pouch, and reaching in I took half of the hair.

'This is your mother's, and I meant to give it to you ere nights ago. But things sometimes move quickly, as they are now.'

I knew I would not be here long, for the trail was hot, and even a hot trail of Naiore's has a way of becoming cold quickly.

'An elf-woman took a horse from the stable in the night, and stealth was their forte, for none was heard of it even though many were alert. Many think it was you, but my bretheren and I know it was not. You watch yoursteps for she is near.'

With that I turned to leave, pocketing the pouch and heading into the common room for the door of the Inn. Vanwe stood in the lower hall, looking at the lock of hair...

I knew she would use it to search out her mother, but more and more, with the disappearance of a horse and its seeming elven thief, it may be that Naiore was seeking her daughter. Maybe searching trail is not necessarily needed, but searching out the ways old and new would be. It was time for she was close....

[ September 12, 2003: Message edited by: Snowdog ]

Last edited by piosenniel; 12-28-2006 at 10:36 PM.
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