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Bęthberry 03-24-2024 09:31 PM

Tolkien Reading Day 2024
March 25th is the day the Ring was destroyed. To commemorate that fateful day, the Tolkien Society has established March 25th as Tolkien Reading Day, a time to gather with friends to read favourite passages from their favoured author.

Each year the TS suggests a different theme. This year's theme is service and sacrifice.There are innumerable passages, from Galadriel's decision to aid the quest of the Fellowship even though it means the passing of Lothlorien, to Bilbo's decision to pass on the Arkenstone and sunder his friendship with the dwarves, to Sam's decision to aid Frodo on the quest. I've even seen someone suggest this best doggie:


Originally Posted by chapter 19, The Silm
“The hunters turned east and north, and following the course of the river they came at last upon Carcharoth the Wolf in a dark valley, down the northern side whereof Esgalduin fell in a torrent over steep falls. At the foot of the falls Carcharoth drank to ease his consuming thirst, and he howled, and thus they were aware of him. But he, espying their approach, rushed not suddenly to attack them. It may be that the devil’s cunning of his heart awoke, being for a moment eased of his pain by the sweet waters of Esgalduin; and even as they rode towards him he slunk aside into a deep brake, and there lay hid. But they set a guard about all that place, and waited, and the shadows grew long in the forest.
Beren stood beside Thingol, and suddenly they were aware that Huan had left their side. Then a great baying awoke in the thicket; for Huan becoming impatient and desiring to look upon this wolf had gone in alone to dislodge him. But Carcharoth avoided him, and bursting from the thorns leaped suddenly upon Thingol. Swiftly Beren strode before him with a spear, but Carcharoth swept it aside and felled him, biting at his breast. In that moment Huan leaped from the thicket upon the back of the Wolf, and they fell together fighting bitterly; and no battle of wolf and hound has been like to it, for in the baying of Huan was heard the voice of the horns of Oromë and the wrath of the Valar, but in the howls of Carcharoth was the hate of Morgoth and malice crueller than teeth of steel; and the rocks were rent by their clamour and fell from on high and choked the falls of Esgalduin. There they fought to the death; but Thingol gave no heed, for he knelt by Beren, seeing that he was sorely hurt.
Huan in that hour slew Carcharoth; but there in the woven woods of Doriath his own doom long spoken was fulfilled, and he was wounded mortally, and the venom of Morgoth entered into him. Then he came, and falling beside Beren spoke for the third time with words; and he bade Beren farewell before he died. Beren spoke not, but laid his hand upon the head of the hound, and so they parted.”

Do Downers have their favourite passage/s of service or sacrifice which they wish to recall here?

bilbobaggins764 03-25-2024 07:11 AM

Celebrate Tolkien Reading Day by purchasing the newly released book Middle-earth Lore: Tolkien's Legends Revealed.

Alassë Estel 03-25-2024 04:41 PM

“There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.”
―The Return of the King

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