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Estelyn Telcontar 01-03-2008 04:52 PM

Anyone want to join me in a rerun?
My recent rewatching of the LotR movies was mildly enjoyable, but the greatest effect it had on me was to awake my desire to reread the books once more. I don't have a schedule for doing that regularly, though I know some of you do. At any rate, it would be fun to share in these discussions again - 3 1/2 years after they began, 2 years after they finished.

The threads have remained open, so anyone is welcome to post at any time, of course. Still, a one-sided discussion is not much fun, so I'd like to invite those who are interested to join me in going through LotR chapter by chapter again.

Some of the threads are very long, especially the first ones. I would suggest that, in this case, it is not necessary to read all posts in order to participate. We'll just start anew, and of course those who are interested and have time can go back and see what others posted the first time around.

There will be no set schedule, and I will not repeat my introductions. You are welcome to reread them to get into the mood, if you wish.

To get the threads in the right order, just go to the Chapter-by-Chapter sub-forum's main page and click on the "Thread" (not "Thread starter") link at the top left side. LotR Foreword will then be at the top of the page, followed by the Prologue and further chapters.

Hookbill the Goomba 01-03-2008 04:59 PM

A grand idea Esty. I will certainly do my best to fit it in with my, quite frankly, mostly empty time table. ;)
Should we start with The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit?

It would probably be best for those joining the discussion this time around to re-read what has already been said, commented on and so on in the threads. We don't want to be repeating ourselves. Reiteration is sometimes good, but it can only go so far. :)
However, this will add MORE reading to the schedule.

Estelyn Telcontar 01-03-2008 05:05 PM

Though I normally advocate reading all previous posts, after this long time, I think it will be alright for those who don't have time for all that to just jump in. After all, getting a fresh outlook on the book is a good idea.

I would like to start with LotR, since that was the first chapter-by-chapter discussion we had.

TheGreatElvenWarrior 01-04-2008 11:29 AM

That would be great! I'd love to reread Lord of the Rings! Even though the last time I read it was less than a year ago!:D

Groin Redbeard 01-04-2008 11:31 AM

Nice idea. I haven't read the books in ages, it would good to read them again:). When do want to start?

Thinlómien 01-04-2008 06:58 PM

I might be interested as I'm currently rereading LotR (I'm in Rivendell)...

Estelyn Telcontar 01-05-2008 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by Groin Redbeard (Post 542079)
When do want to start?

Thanks to those of you who have responded with interest! This rerun won't be as formal as the first readthrough - as the threads are already open, anyone can post at any time. If you're already reading, you don't have to wait for me! I will begin this weekend, and my reading tempo will be faster than it was the first time around - after all, I don't want to spend another 1 1/2 years just for LotR!! :eek: I may at times read a chapter a day, at other times skip one or more days.

If you join me in posting, don't worry whether things were already said way back several years ago - this is a fresh start, growing on the "leaf mould" of the previous discussion. A number of you weren't around back then - this is your chance to write what you think and feel when you reread LotR!

Estelyn Telcontar 01-06-2008 12:33 PM

There is one wonderful resource that we did not have at the time we began the first CbC discussions, and I will be reading and commenting on it along with the actual book text - Hammond and Scull's LotR Reader's Companion. I know some of you have it as well, and it will certainly be easier to read it chapter by chapter than it was to attempt to combine the various threads in HoME! However, I plan to read the book chapters first, so as to let Tolkien's own words echo in my mind before I add others' thoughts.

I'm beginning with the Foreword today; I have already read it and will post my thoughts soon.

Legate of Amon Lanc 01-06-2008 01:34 PM

I would like to say one technical thing first, these "outside" or "bonus" or rather "forward" threads, or how could I call them, are dangerous in the way that it is hard to spot that they have been posted to. Oh how happy I am that I noticed this. I certainly would like to join. It is a great way to keep one reading also, I started reading LotR in the past several years, yet I always stopped at some times and then I just randomly picked something to read or continued in the same course very slowly. I find the chapter-by-chapter idea actually absolutely wonderful, also that it keeps the focus of people together. And, mainly, I think this thing contributes to the collective feeling of the Downers as a group. Great you decided to revive this, Esty!


Originally Posted by Estelyn Telcontar
If you join me in posting, don't worry whether things were already said way back several years ago - this is a fresh start, growing on the "leaf mould" of the previous discussion. A number of you weren't around back then - this is your chance to write what you think and feel when you reread LotR!

Well for myself I don't even want much to read what was posted before (aside from the introductions, of course), because it would probably only frustrate me to think of something and realise it was posted several years ago, so even a person cannot seriously reply to it because also about fifty people replied on that before, I know, I know - I would really like to start from scratch. It would be even nicer to start completely new threads for that, however it is of course clear that that's not affordable, as it would create only confusion and make the thoughts divided and unable to connect for potentional reader. You know, unless you decided to form some sort of "overall and always repeating BD schedule" that will go over and over again, so that even the new members could join this in any time and not depend on the luck that someone revives the old threads... when one reading would end, the new will immediately start, and it could go in circles like, for example, Reading 2008, Reading 2009 or similar (well, if it took only that long, of course... but you know what I mean). Like, you know, I thought about the liturgical years some churches have, or the Jews have a system of reading Torah that divides the text for them into daily readings, so they read all the books once a year (or in three years) and then they may start anew. I am not much of a fan of the scheduled and ordered things (and rules, mainly), but like I said, if the reading was made scheduled in this way (weekly, let's say, as was the original Chapter-by-chapter) and it was ordered to be repeated once the last reading finishes, well, that would grant the option for all, even the new members, to participate in it...

I don't know why I actually wrote it here, because the more now I think of it, it seems rather silly to me, but whatever, it's an idea and that's always good to post rather than be silent.

Estelyn Telcontar 01-06-2008 01:40 PM

That's an interesting idea, Legate - maybe we'll start a tradition of rereading LotR every January or something like that! Of course, we'll have to go through at a somewhat faster pace than the original one to make it by the end of the year...

Thinlómien 01-06-2008 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Estelyn
That's an interesting idea, Legate - maybe we'll start a tradition of rereading LotR every January or something like that! Of course, we'll have to go through at a somewhat faster pace than the original one to make it by the end of the year...

But surely it doesn't have to be annual? We could as well start a new round every two years or something like that... But as far as I'm concerned, I'm alright with any pace that isn't monstrously quick. And I must add I'm not sure how actively I will partcipate after being done with FotR - I'm currently reading LotR in French and as it's not the easiest language to read in for me, I might need a pause and read some other books before returning to it.

Lalwendë 01-06-2008 02:04 PM

It could be good to do it again, schedule (and the kraken) allowing of course! Who knows what new insights I've got over the past couple of years? What about all these spanky new companions and guides and whatnot? What about reading in the light of Children of Hurin?

Plus we have lots of new members and I'd love to see what they've got to say, and older members didn't always join in back then - maybe they're a whole lot less daunted now being veterans? I don't think I was around in the early days of the last read through either, and I certainly wasn't very confident when I did first join in...

But two points:

1. I'd advise against a fast pace on it. Even if you want to read and post quickly Esty, I don't think everyone will be able to do the same, and if one of your aims is to talk to people instead of to the computer (I know what you mean, just posting on a cold, dead thread can be a bit like muttering away to yourself like a madwoman) then I'd advise on holding off for a more leisured schedule than once a day - even if it does take ages to get through it again. It might just be me, but keeping a tight ship on the group read through is a good idea for keeping discussion fresh?

2. Yes, use the old threads. They're full of stuff (I know, I posted too many overly lengthy was like homework!) and so it's nice to have it 'all in one place'. But I reckon it would also be good for people NOT to read through the threads until they've got their thoughts down - not only are they really daunting but who cares if you say something someone else has already said! Just say it anyway. I wouldn't be doing essays again anyway...

Oh, and a third point. 'Cause...

3. Let people know about it and often.

Estelyn Telcontar 01-06-2008 02:25 PM

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Lal - since this was a spontaneous idea of mine, I'm certainly open to suggestions! Yes, I think I will not be able to keep up a daily pace - I could read a chapter a day easily, but posting takes time, as does reading what others (hopefully!) post. It's more likely to be approximately two chapters a week - that would get us through in less than a year.

As to when a next read-through would start, Lommy, well, this one begins 3 1/2 years after the first one did and was totally unplanned, so let's not worry about future discussions yet. :cool:

The third point is a very good idea - I'll post new threads about it on several forums to enlist interest.

I'd like to encourage members to post more about their personal thoughts and feelings than mere information - that will keep things fresh, and your own opinion always has validity.

Lalwendë 01-06-2008 02:47 PM

That sounds sensible - it wouldn't be as good if everyone ends up taking to themselves, which is what happened 'back in the day' whenever anyone posted on one of the threads months after it had been opened. I always found that quite sad really, as discussion had drawn to a close and then someone would say something interesting and it wouldn't get anywhere :(

davem just said "Be pretentious and ask if we should use the first edition text or not"...


Folwren 01-06-2008 02:57 PM

I just started reading the LotR outloud to my two younger siblings. I may as well join the conversations on the chapters. I'll be slow in reading...the chapters are long, and reading out loud can get difficult after thirty minutes. ;) But, I'll still join in when I can.

As to Davem - I don't think I have a first edition, and I am reading out my copy, which, I believe, is a third edition...? So, tough - I'm not reading from a first edition. :p

TheGreatElvenWarrior 01-07-2008 11:50 PM

I read fast... if I wasn't occupied with other things I would have been done with LotR and TH in less than five took me ten hours of non-stop hobbit and about (well I was just guessing) twelve hours for each of the volumes of LotR!

So start and go, go, go! I can keep up with a chapter a day... but I don't know if many other people could... maybe a chapter every two or three days? Or when the discussion for that particular chapter is dying down?

.... I don't know because I wasn't here in "The Good Ol' Days" so I obviously didn't participate in the original!

Estelyn Telcontar 01-08-2008 07:55 AM

Right now I'm thinking of two chapters a week, probably posting on Sunday/Monday and on Wednesday/Thursday. Even if you read faster than that, you could take notes on each chapter and jump in when it comes up!

TheGreatElvenWarrior 01-08-2008 09:02 AM

Ok... I can respond and go along with you guys too! Besides I have LotR pretty well memorized, I could probably tell you a summary of the chapter with out even looking at it... So we're starting on the weekend you said, I can do that!

alatar 01-08-2008 09:09 AM

I've been rereading LotR (usually every fall/winter) and so have started posting when something interesting creeps in.

Estelyn Telcontar 01-08-2008 01:03 PM

I began last Sunday with the Foreword; tomorrow I plan to post on the Prologue thread. I'm happy to see any thread revived and hope for more participation as we continue!

Guinevere 01-11-2008 03:48 PM

I'm afraid I won't be able to reread the whole LotR right now ... so much other stuff to read and not enough time... *sigh*
I was always lagging behind in the old discussion, and had sometimes a hard time coming up with something worthwhile to write, and if I don't want to repeat myself (or others) it will be even harder to think of something original for every chapter.

I plan to follow the discussion though, and read all the interesting new posts!

Legolas 01-25-2008 01:15 PM

(Count me in.)

Estelyn Telcontar 01-25-2008 02:21 PM

Nice to know people are reading the discussions, and of course I'm happy that some of you plan to participate! I've been lagging with new chapters because I've been reading other Tolkien works for a paper I'm writing - sorry! I shall do my best to continue posting, but if I take too long, do feel free to go ahead and post on the next chapter thread, please!

Boromir88 01-25-2008 03:24 PM

Is the format going to be more like the CbC thread, where there is a thread a chapter, thread a week? Or will it be more informal and be one thread where everyone comes in and posts kind of at their own pace?

I know the latter is rather disorganized, and cluttered, but it might accomodate better for various reading paces. I would certainly love to do a re-read, and I had no clue that the CbC ended 2 years ago, boy does time fly :D, but I already know as a fact that my re-read will be tediously slow.

Estelyn Telcontar 01-25-2008 03:30 PM

Boromir, as I wrote in the first post of this thread, we are using the already existing CbC threads on the CbC sub-forum. More about the details of the new discussion there and in my following posts on this thread.

Legate of Amon Lanc 01-25-2008 03:44 PM

Boromir, I apologize, but I couldn't resist: do you remember what was in the signature you had before? ;) :D

(a friendly joke, hope you don't mind :) )

Estelyn Telcontar 02-05-2008 05:33 PM

I posted on Chapter 5 today and will be taking a break from LotR for a week or two to give myself time for other projects. Anyone who wishes to may proceed; I will continue in due time.

Rumil 02-19-2008 04:34 PM

Read Through
Hi All,

It's good to see a re-run of the readthrough up and running. I didn't have the time available to contribute much last time round but circumstances have led me to re-read and I was just thinking of going back to post on the first readthrough when I noticed this thread. (he says not entirely comprehensibly!)

I noticed on starting my re-read that a number of oddments and obscure references start making more sense after a few years Barrow-Downing, so I plan to try some 'oddment highlighting' whenever I spot them.

All the best

Estelyn Telcontar 03-17-2008 04:48 AM

The recent forum server difficulties and my busy schedule have combined to delay my posts to the LotR CbC threads. For those who are eagerly awaiting, I apologize - I will do my best to post once this week (Chapter 11); further updates from me will have to wait until after the Easter holiday weekend. Thanks to Legate for his contribution to the thread which I skipped in my confusion! As always, anyone is welcome to post on the next threads without waiting for me.

Estelyn Telcontar 04-05-2008 04:49 AM

As I am very busy with preparations for an upcoming Tolkien event, I have asked Legate to help out by posting introductions to the LotR CbC discussions. I do hope you will all join in so that he isn't left alone - thanks! I'll be active again in a few weeks.

Eönwë 08-31-2008 12:14 PM

Is this still going, or does anyone want to start again?

Nogrod 08-31-2008 12:18 PM

I might join. It has been a too long time I read the books the last time but just browsing through old discussions while one reads himself would feel kind of weird.

Groin Redbeard 08-31-2008 12:29 PM

I'm game if you are Eonwe. I'm never too busy to read my favorite books. :)

Legate of Amon Lanc 08-31-2008 12:30 PM

Well... I must confess that I wanted to finish at least the second book (as we planned with Esty), but was probably too demoralized as no one seemed to follow, and then the holidays started - but I think if there are people willing to continue, I am all ready to go! I believe we had one or two (hmm, or maybe two or three, I remember at least the Mirror, but not sure about anything after it) chapters left till the end of the Fellowship, and then the TT are coming.

So, in any case, yes, is there anyone else who's willing to go? When do we start? ;)

Rumil 08-31-2008 12:34 PM

Rerun for the Hills
Hi Groin, Nogrod and Eonwe,

sounds good to get some more involvement going!

Readthrough 2 seems to have stalled a bit after a gallant start from Esty and noble work by Legate. I tried to catch up but you know how it is! It would certainly be good to get it going again.

Legate, Esty - comments?

ah, cross post with Legate



Thinlómien 08-31-2008 12:36 PM

I don't promise anything, but I feel like rereading LotR and... :)

Nogrod 08-31-2008 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Rumil (Post 566534)
Readthrough 2 seems to have stalled a bit after a gallant start from Esty and noble work by Legate.

I think one of the problems with this kind of things is that people set the bar too high... I mean they're too gallant and if they then can't make it with the standards they have set themselves the thread dies.

So how aobut no-one takes the kind of responsibility of alone providing the "base-text" / introduction (like it seems to be done in so many "read-along"-threads here) but we could either just a) make a deal about the intervals between the chapters and anyone could post (like a week to read and a week to discuss that or something), or b) the responsibility of the laying the groundwork for the discussion of each chapter would change so that no one would need to carry that task alone?


I tried to catch up but you know how it is! It would certainly be good to get it going again.
Catching up is the impossible. I tried it with the BBC radio adaptation discussion but never managed to read all there had been before as the discussion was lively and so even if I listened to the whole thing myself a month later or so I never wrote a post there as I was soo out of the discussion.

Groin Redbeard 08-31-2008 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 566541)
I think one of the problems with this kind of things is that people set the bar too high... I mean they're too gallant and if they then can't make it with the standards they have set themselves the thread dies.

Legate is just a natural genius he can't help it if people try to live up to his standards. ;)

Rumil 08-31-2008 01:29 PM

Rerun 2.1
Just a proposal....

How about Lommy, Nogrod, Groin and Eonwe [and everyone else of course (!!)] start from the beginning.

Legate and me and anyone else who has posted already on rerun2 respond to the new posts as we go along, (its good not to be just 'howling into the wind' as someone put it!) then pick up where we each left off in rerun2.

This at least gives Legate and Esty a bit of a break before we get into 'new' chapters.

What do you reckon??

Lalwendë 08-31-2008 01:50 PM

I was going to do this, because I thought it would be fun to read the old threads again and add new stuff on and see if I'd changed my mind about anything....however life is very different now and I've never had the time to join in with the re-run! I might join in, and I'd like to join in, but I'd probably need a big slap now and then to prompt me ;)

Plus the threads were originally written before both the Lord of the Rings Readers' Guide and the JRR Tolkien Companion and Guide were published!

I really did used to read the chapter and make notes before I posted - ah, such blissful luxury having all that time! :eek:

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