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Elonve 08-25-2005 10:35 PM

Your personal title!
I was wondering,when one is entitled to one, what personal title people would choose.
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Boromir88 08-25-2005 10:49 PM

It's up the the administraters (and I believe moderaters too, but not sure). First, you much reach 500 posts, because that's the final "given" title. After 500 posts if they think you've been making good contributing posts to the forum they will PM you and tell you to pick a title. So, it can happen anytime after 500 posts.

Lyta_Underhill 08-25-2005 11:54 PM


So, it can happen anytime after 500 posts.
Or, it can happen after 400-odd posts when you're least expecting it, because somehow the mods have decided that your presence on the forum is quite amusin' and you must be encouraged to make a bigger fool of yourself than you already are....but enough of my life story! :D


Elonve 08-26-2005 03:10 AM

No you guys! I mean once you get to how many ever points you need to get a self-appointed title,what would yours be? For example:

Mouldy Maggot? :p

Kaptin Knickers? :D

Spawn of the Dead? :)
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Lyta_Underhill 08-26-2005 07:45 AM


No you guys! I mean once you get to how many ever points you need to get a self-appointed title,what would yours be?
Forgive me, Elonve, but for both Boromir88 and myself, the question is moot, as there is only one Laconic Loreman and only one Haunted Halfling and the question of what we would choose has long since passed. Some of the newer members should post with their outrageous choices, as I remember having done this before, coming up with "Crackpot in Residence" as a choice once, I believe. But the choice made long before was not the final choice, as you can see!


P.S. I wouldn't be caught dead with the personal title "Kaptin Knickers!" ;)

Glirdan 08-26-2005 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by Lyta_Underhill
P.S. I wouldn't be caught dead with the personal title "Kaptin Knickers!"

I totally agree with you there Lyta. Same with Mouldy Maggot, which isn't as bad. Spawn of the Dead? Not bad. But I was kind of going for somewhere along the "insane" route. Not quite sure what though. I'll get back to you on that.


Mithalwen 08-26-2005 10:38 AM

You are meant to have something in the spirit of the downs - and while it is fun to think up something wacky - the fact is that once you have chosen (as with an Elvish Spouse!) you may not change it, so (unless youhave the power even to enchant our in-barrow Mandos) it is a good idea to choose something that reflects your personality and which you can live with.

That said I must admit that it took me all of 5 seconds to respond to the call and since others in my batch had their titles installed pretty quickly I don't thinkI was alone in having thought what I would like should it be offered.... I had had three ideas, one of which had to be discarded because it was already taken.. so when it came to the crunch Yeats and "Pilgrim Soul" won over Brooke and "Bewildering Ghost"

Kath 08-26-2005 02:43 PM

When you say 'respond to the call' do you mean that you get a PM about it?

Elrian 08-26-2005 08:20 PM

This thread will tell you about levels and titles:
And you get to pick yours, when they contact you. Kaptin Knickers is funny though :D

Kath 08-27-2005 04:40 AM

Thanks, I never did get round to reading all those!

Mithalwen 08-27-2005 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Kath
When you say 'respond to the call' do you mean that you get a PM about it?

Yes, it was everso exciting... I kept it for ages infact it might still be there. It arrived on New Year's Day and is the nearest I will get to being on the"New Year's Honours List"! It was a very good pm too - not just "Psst wanna personal title?"

Glirdan 08-27-2005 02:10 PM

See, now you guys got me anxious!! I can't wait to get that PM. Curse you all!!!!!! But I guess that being anxious is a good thing so I take that back. :D "Rotting Corpse", I like that one. Just thought of it today! :D

wilwarin538 08-27-2005 05:32 PM

I'm going to choose something that has to do with butterflies. Don't know for sure what.

arcticstorm 08-27-2005 05:53 PM

If I ever get up there, my personal title would have sonething to do with my name, more than likely it would be Spirit of Caradhras

Elonve 08-29-2005 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by wilwarin538
I'm going to choose something that has to do with butterflies. Don't know for sure what.

What ever it is make sure it isn't night butterfly... :rolleyes: hehehe

What about...

Dark side of the moon?

Or: A riddle wrapped in an enigma?

I can't believe that nobody has picked Lord Mouldy Shorts!!!!

Morsul the Dark 08-29-2005 08:51 AM


"Dark Isatarian"


"Retired dark wizard"

or better yet

"Gil-Galad's Bane" :p

Kath 08-29-2005 09:22 AM


"Gil-Galad's Bane"
I like that one Morsul! :D

Mithalwen 08-29-2005 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Elonve

I can't believe that nobody has picked Lord Mouldy Shorts!!!!

You can't?

Valesse 08-29-2005 12:08 PM

They call me MISTER PIG.
oh.. Oh I'm going to have to go with either "M31k0r t3h 1337" or "Sparkle Britches" here. No doubt about that. Nope. None.

And that is some shameless internet-speak, too.

Mithalwen 08-29-2005 12:36 PM

You might like to bear in mind that the PT have to suit the theme of "The Barrow Downs" and also reflect yourself. Having checked the rules I was sent, they point out firmly that the forum is a barrow not a flower meadow. So Wilwarin might be allowed her butterflies because of her screen name while others might not.... and ideally it should have a spooky twist... so a fey fritillary rather than a fluffy one!!!
There is a butterfly called "Mourning Cloak" which might have possibilities or "Painted Lady" - there is a "Stinky Leaf Wing" aswell but I think that would be taking the decomposition aspect a bit far!!!! But I have to say it is better that Lord Mouldy Pants.... Elonve - I loved the other ideas - Dark side of the moon is nice and spooky ...

Feanor of the Peredhil 08-29-2005 01:57 PM

I finally bother to delete my invitation PM just before I could have quoted from it... but Mith's right... it does say that it must remain in theme.

Had it not had those explicit rules, I assure you I would now be called "Banned" or "Untitled". "Angel of Music" is also a common "I really wanted it, but changed my mind at the last minute." Several of us have been this close to picking it.

Also, it has to be under a certain number of characters... I can't remember the exact number, but I know that my own "Bringer of the Red Dawn" was closer that I'd meant it to be.

Mithalwen 08-29-2005 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
I finally bother to delete my invitation PM just before I could have quoted from it... but Mith's right... it does say that it must remain in theme.

Had it not had those explicit rules, I assure you I would now be called "Banned" or "Untitled". "Angel of Music" is also a common "I really wanted it, but changed my mind at the last minute." Several of us have been this close to picking it.

Also, it has to be under a certain number of characters... I can't remember the exact number, but I know that my own "Bringer of the Red Dawn" was closer that I'd meant it to be.

Oh I found it but wasn't sure if I should quote it in full :S but without retrieving it again I think it was 20 characters unless it is really cool!!! So either yours was deemed really cool or they don't count gaps :p

the guy who be short 08-29-2005 02:52 PM

I just got a PM - it's 25 characters.

Now to choose a name that doesn't completely suck.

wilwarin538 08-29-2005 02:57 PM

Congrats! :D

25 characters is much better, gives me so many new possibilities. :cool: 25 also makes sense since Ghost Prince of Cardolan is more then twenty, so it probably wouldn't fit if it was more then 25.

Elonve 08-29-2005 11:46 PM

So titles have to sort of fight with the theme of your name? Okay that's cool...

Congrats to the guy who be short on his PM :D

How about: Ghostly Bloke? or light of the underdark? or mystical noodels?
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Mithalwen 08-30-2005 11:55 AM

They don't have to fit with your screen name - but they should be individual to you - I just meant that butterflies might (and it is not me who decides!!!) be too flower meadowery in general but OK for Wilwarin because they are part of her identity. If you look at the member lists and sort by post count or rep you will see what has already been passed by the Wight you will get an idea of what works.

Some of my favourites are the name tie ins though - SpM's Corpus Cacaphonus, Lalaith's Blithe Spirit, Le Petit Choux's Vegetable of Doom, Rimbaud's Perilous Poet, etc ... others are nice little Tolkien refs like Oddwen and Drummer in the Deep. Hookbill's Alive without breath & Sophia the TM's Scent of Symbelmyne combine Death and Tolkien in a elegant fashion.

Others are appropriate to their owners .......... others I am still puzzling ... like Durelin's.

Congratulations TGWBS... I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

AbercrombieOfRohan 08-31-2005 10:02 AM

I always wanted mine to be ' Postmortem Paraclete of Purchasing' but I think it might be a tad too long... ;)

Fordim Hedgethistle 08-31-2005 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen
it is a good idea to choose something that reflects your personality and which you can live with.

Herm..."gibbering gibbet" personality.....herm...

Morsul the Dark 08-31-2005 10:23 AM

The only other possibilities i thought of was:

Wandering Shadowmancer

Melkor's Second Champion


BurzEnyd Master (which is from my little post #1 on this thread)

Dimturiel 08-31-2005 12:22 PM

I think hopebringer would make a great PT. But as it does not quite suit me I would have memory of distant glory.

dancing spawn of ungoliant 08-31-2005 12:28 PM

I was tempted to pick Affable Apparition but then I realized that it's too close to Eomer's Auspicious Wraith (which is just a charming choice). Another option for me was Spinner of Death but I ended up with something totally different.

Elonve 08-31-2005 10:24 PM

I think I mine would be Lady of the Pond! hehe...just kidding. The discombobulated dead ?


Boromir88 08-31-2005 10:38 PM

hmmm....discombobulated dead, not bad, I like it.

Of course I like all the ones with alliteration, It's just neat saying them like Saucepan's Corpus Caucophonous, or Kransha's Ubuquitous Uruloki, Fordim's Gibbering Gibbet. Along with the many others.

Then there are those who are just well chosen and sound good...
Bb's Cryptic Aura.
Mithalwen's Pilgrim Soul
I also like Encataire's bittersweet symphony and Fea's, and Child's, and Nil's...ahh there's so many of them.

Anway. Yes, I basically concur and say the same thing Mithalwen says. I'll just regurgitate it a bit differently. Well, when choosing mine I chose something totally opposite of myself.

Laconic, being brief and if you've seen any of my posts I'm very much not brief. Perhaps you can tell? Something that would take maybe 3 sentences to say I drag out into 3 paragraphs and then often get lost and confused and just stop typing.

Then loreman, I'm anything but, so that may be a path you choose. Instead of something like you, something totally opposite of you, should prove interesting. Of course trying to stick with the theme of the downs as well.

Mithalwen 09-01-2005 01:11 PM

I htink you are being a bit hard on yourself there Boromir... and there are a couple of fine new alliterative titles - Raffish Rapscallion and Maundering Mage.

I knew I wanted a literary reference because it was my degree subject and Pilgrim Soul reflected my love of travel and also was reminiscent of Mithrandir - The grey pilgrim. I did consider trying to render it into Elvish as Fearandir but I was fairly sure that -dir is a masculine suffix... I think in someways Bewildering Ghost would have been more accurate but a little aspiration is allowed. I like to think of myself as a freespirit journeying through life - though some of my family would say dilletante wastrel :rolleyes:

mormegil 09-01-2005 03:19 PM

In choosing mine I must say it was fairly difficult. I didn't want to be stuck with something I didn't like. I like the alliteration bit of it. I actually liked the word Eidolon but I was informed that Eidolon is already being used by Diamond18 (Eidolon of a Took which I like) and that I'm discouraged from using that unless I was really set upon that. Since I wasn't the Enigmatic Eidolon could go. I luckily found a word I really liked...Maundering. Now the problem was to find something to go with it. I had words like mystic, mage, and mercenary going through my head. I liked all of them but in the end figured that mage fits the theme best and me to an extent.

There's a brief insight into what became an ardous task for me. I spent so long thinking on it...probably too much :rolleyes:

Glirdan 09-01-2005 03:22 PM

I still can't think of one that I want to keep. Luckily I still have a long time before I have to choose. I'm still thinking about Rotting Corpse though. I can't think of anything else at this point.

Balroggie 09-01-2005 03:24 PM

I'm just happy I have a few more posts to go before I'll have to decide this. :p

Bęthberry 09-01-2005 07:39 PM

I must say I do like mormegil's Maundering Mage. It makes me think just a tad of Maundy Thursday before I start playing around with things like 'wandering wage' and 'pondering page' and 't'underin' age'. None of which makes any sense about mormegil, but it's great to be able to play with words. Good choice and congratulations!

I remember when I was offerred a PT. For some reason people had a difficult time thinking of me as cryptic. I have no idea why. :eek:

To be honest, I've never understood the connection between Mithalwen and Pilgrim Soul. It must be a reference I don't know.

And I rather think that hangman is something quite well proportioned for Fordim. The game, that is.

For those of you who aren't in chat or aren't among the old timers, Esty's Ghosted Princess has a chat "applicability" which cleverly combines both chat and forum. And Squatter's Spectre of decay, well, you have to know him to get the pun. Of course, none of us would take that to mean Squatter is a stinker. ;)

I have always thought that Mr.Underhill's Dread Horseman is way cool.

The Perky Ent 09-01-2005 08:01 PM

I made up a couple for myself. A long time ago. I think 'Shepard of the Hasty' was one. Or something along those lines.

I've always liked Firefoot's 'Illusionary Holbytla'
Also, littlemanpoet's 'Bard Oder' was nice. As well as
Sophia the Thunder Mistress' 'Scent of Simbelmynë

Mithalwen 09-02-2005 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Bęthberry

To be honest, I've never understood the connection between Mithalwen and Pilgrim Soul. It must be a reference I don't know.

Personality rather than name (other than the reasons above). It is from WB Yeats poem "When you are Old" Bewildering Ghost is from Rupert Brooke's "O death will find me"

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